Grant A Wish

Some kids have been through more than any kid should ever have to. Halloween is a perfect time to show them some extra love. Glinda’s Closet has partnered with HAVEN to grant over 100 of those kids their own unique wish … a Halloween costume of their choosing, either purchased or created especially for them. These costumes are more expensive and complicated to deliver, so we are so appreciative of the Halloween heroes who can step up and sponsored these costumes.

Check out their Amazon Halloween Costume wish list below beginning 10/01/2024.

How kids answer our favorite question:

Q: What do you want to be for Halloween?

A: “I want to be Miles Morales because I can electric shock, turn invisible, climb walls and swing webs.” – Cooper, age 4

(Quotes from actual kids we’ve worked with. Names have been change to protect the children’s privacy.)


Thanks to our 2022 Halloween Heroes, we were able to grant each costume wish for every child staying at Haven's Shelter. In total, eighteen brand-new costumes were delivered. Additionally, each child got a shopping bag, trick-or-treat bucket, and candy. We look forward to granting as many wishes as possible in 2023.